The reality is that we do not know what the totality of reality is. And we probably cannot know in our earthly lives. To know, we would have to know what preceded the Big Bang. Things that we do not know, or know correctly, but think we know are beliefs.

So here are some what ifs….things that we cannot know, but can speculate.

What if Dark Energy and Matter is actually part of our anti-matter universe? The shortage of antimatter in our universe is a mystery. Theoretically, there should be equal parts to account for the “big bang” from nothingness – or at least that is what I think is the theory.

What if, assuming the Dark Matter/Energy idea is correct, that our understanding of physics is incomplete in regard to the second law of thermodynamics?

What if what we cannot see but recognize as dark matter/energy is a dark universe or is a “dark” portion of our universe?

What if there is an exchange of usable potential energy between our universe and the dark (or dark portion of our) universe?

What if intelligence has something to do with this exchange?

What if God is a metaphor for all intelligence that is distributed by the interchange described above? Don’t jump to conclusions! Read this!!

What if there is Being As Communion as a result of the above exchange, and that our intelligence plus or minus is our spirit?

What if our most common realization of this communion is dreams?

What if there is an “intelligence entropy” that depends upon life keeping this entropy at zero or below?

What are the implication if any of this is true?

My limited understanding of modern physics casts a long shadow on these speculations. But on the other hand, it seems that real physicist come up with crazier ideas…..

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