4th of July Reads

Here are some links from Patriot Post – good articles to read about our founding, our country.”Unalienable Rights” — /A Civics Lesson; “Endowed by their Creator…”A Primer on Independence DayEssential Liberty selection of...

Declaration of Independence

Here is a link to a site that has the text of the Declaration of Independence plus a lot of additional information, including accounts of the events leading up to the signing by Thomas Jefferson. And here is a link the the US Government Archives site with the text and...

US Constitution

Here is a link to the US Constitution. And here is a link to the text and pictures of the orginal manuscript on the government archives site.

Author Bio

Mike is a retired (2011) engineer/businessman. He grew up in Eastern Oregon on a farm and became an Electrical Engineer‚ husband and father after college at Oregon State University. After a number of years working for companies in the space industry (Apollo)‚ medical...