This is a video that explains the differences between the various forms of government using diagrams arranged on a freedom scale. The terminology is that used by our founders. The functional differences between the forms of government is explained which emphasis on those between a Democracy and a Republic.
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I do not say that democracy has been more pernicious on the whole, and in the long run, than monarchy or aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy; but while it lasts, it is more bloody than either.
— John Adams
You need to elaborate on each type of government providing more examples belonging to each column of your diagram.
A lot of countries use the word Republic of…
I went on a tangent and spend some time with Wikipedia, to look up some definitions for(Republic, Freedom, Morality, etc…). This encyclopedia provide Free knowledge to everyone. The employees are volunteers all over the world. I am eager to see your new ideas next week. I believe that your contribution for the good of all the citizens of the world is to insert your positions in Wikipedia rather than Facebook or your website…????
Thank you for the comments. Your idea about posting to Wikipedia is interesting, but what they have lists of “attributes”, one being “Republican”, The problem is that there are numerous names applied to “different” types of governments that make distinctions about how government is organized. The founders used definitions based on who/what made and enforced the rules, or stated differently: what counts, or what makes a difference in results. One can verify this by reading the Federalist Papers. I use the same four categories they used: Autocratic, Democracy, Republic and Anarchy, because I believe the founders were right, these are the four types based on how they work and the results they produce. “Attributes” do little or nothing to understanding what counts. I will ponder the idea of getting this information into Wikipedia – it would be a good thing!