My concern about education came about when I discovered that we have been “mis-educated” about what makes our country great and different while I was researching this topic that ended up with the production of this video. I felt that if parents could send their children to a school of their choice, at least some would choose schools that taught authentic civics and history. After researching more about vouchers, I soon realized that it had the potential to radically improve education and change our country resulting in this dream. Below are materials relating to education that I’ve found helpful in understanding the status of our education system and ideas to improve it.
Suggested readings:
1. Milton and Rose Friedman’s “Free to Choose”, specifically the chapter titled “What’s wrong with our schools?” Milton is the one who initially proposed the concept of vouchers as a way of preserving the concept of public funding of education but modifying it to allow choice.
2. The book “Education Myths” by Jay P. Greene
3. The book “Push Has Come to Shove” by Dr. Steve Perry – a person who started and runs an extremely successful Charter School
Here are some informative video clips, mostly from WSJ articles:
1. DC Voucher Program
2. Going Back To School With Vouchers
3. Helping Poor Students Learn – Arizona plan
4. Jindal’s School Victory
5. Romney’s Pro-Choice Education Plan
6. DC’s School Chief discusses Reform
7. The Milwaukee Voucher Experiment
8. Are Small Schools Better?
9. Why School Choice Matters
10. Forstmann’s Not So Little Idea