by Mike Van Schoiack | May 27, 2014 | Constitution, freedom, Freedom, Government, government, Natural Law, natural law, Timeless, Videos
This video, in 7 minutes, explains what caused us to deviate from the constitution. This is something that you definitely did not learn in school, and will come as a surprise! It is video number four on the Freedom101 learning video...
by Mike Van Schoiack | Oct 31, 2013 | Blackstone, Education, education, Philosophers, Quotes
“I think it an undeniable position, that a competent knowledge of the laws of that society in which we live, is the proper accomplishment of every gentleman and scholar; an highly useful, I had almost said essential, part of liberal and polite education. And in...
by Mike Van Schoiack | Oct 20, 2013 | economy, government, Topics, Uncategorized
The mantra on the Right these days is that if we keep on the path we are on, we will end up in the same financial situation that Europe is in. Today, I saw this Debt to GDP Ratio information from the IMF (International Monetary Fund): United States, 89% Denmark, 10.3%...
by Mike Van Schoiack | Oct 17, 2013 | government, Topics
Here are some of these checks and balances believed so important to individual liberty, implemented in our constitution: HOUSE (peoples representatives) is a check on SENATE – no statute becomes law without its approval. SENATE is a check on HOUSE – no...
by Mike Van Schoiack | Oct 17, 2013 | Blackstone, government, natural law, Philosophers, Quotes, religion
“Man … must necessarily be subject to the laws of his Creator.. This will of his Maker is called the law of nature…. This law of nature…is of course superior to any other…. No human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this: and such...
by Mike Van Schoiack | Oct 17, 2013 | Blackstone, government, natural law, Philosophers, Quotes
“Free men have arms; slaves do not.” William Blackstone Courtesy of BrainyQuote (