by Mike Van Schoiack | Oct 5, 2013 | Equality, Quotes
“It is the greatest inequality to try to make unequal things equal.” Courtesy of
by Mike Van Schoiack | Oct 5, 2013 | Equality, Quotes
“Capitalism and communism stand at opposite poles. Their essential difference is this: The communist seeing the rich man and his fine home says, “No man should have so much.” The capitalist seeing the same thing says, “All men should have as much.””...
by Mike Van Schoiack | Oct 5, 2013 | Constitution, Equality, Founders, Government, James Madison, Quotes
“Equal laws protecting equal rights; the best guarantee of loyalty and love of country.” James Madison: letter to Jacob de la Motta — 1820
by Mike Van Schoiack | Oct 5, 2013 | Constitution, Founders, George Washington, Government, President, Quotes
“It will not be doubted, that with reference either to individual, or National Welfare, Agriculture is of primary importance. In proportion as Nations advance in population, and other circumstances of maturity, this truth becomes more apparent; and renders the...
by Mike Van Schoiack | Oct 4, 2013 | Constitution, Founders, Government, James Madison, President, Quotes
If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one, subject to particular exceptions. James Madison: letter to...